July 27, 2024

Certified Mail Envelopes Security



Certified Mail Envelopes Security

Even though we do not store confidential data (USPS Address information is considered public domain information) we still protect your data using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) banking grade data encryption. 

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Secure Socket Layer is an extra level of security for online consumers. It requires you to log on through a secure server, which prevents hackers from accessing your information. SSL uses technology known as encryption. This is software that scrambles the data with secret code. You can typically tell your data has been transmitted safely when a small lock icon appears at the bottom of your browser.

When you log-in to access tracking or delivery information on our site you enable SSL encryption for your data. Even though USPS address data is considered public domain information collected by the United States Postal Service we secure all our clients data processing and reporting. At all times you data is behind a SSL-secured site encrypted banking grade firewall. Each member of your office is required to log in to the site with SSL encryption enabled, so you can share your information through confidential data access.

You are in control of setting up your passwords. Short passwords that contain a small number of characters are more vulnerable to hackers. For this reason, we require all of our passwords be at least six characters long.  

Password expiration:
To ensure maximum password security, it’s a good idea to change your password frequently. By default, users are not ever required to change their passwords. But you can require them to change passwords regularly by enabling this option.

Password complexity:
To make passwords that are easy to remember, many people create passwords that contain their name or email address, or are a string of familiar digits, such as their phone number or birthday. The problem is, simple passwords like this are easy for hackers to guess, and could compromise the security of your site. The most effective passwords do not contain parts of your name and are “complex.”

If you have highly sensitive data on your site, the administrator can ensure that all users are employing “complex” passwords. Complex passwords must meet all of the following requirements.

We suggest the password be made up of three out of four of the following:

upper case letters (A-Z)
lower case letters (a-z)
digits (0-9)

If members attempt to create a password that does not meet these requirements, they receive an error message and must create a different password before they can log in.

Never send passwords by email
When a password appears in an email message, it is a potential security loophole. For the utmost password security, you can require that passwords are never emailed

Forgot your password feature:
When a user forgets their password, the only way they will be able to access the site is for the administrator to assign a new password to the user. Users who forget their passwords will not have the recourse of using the “Forgot my password” link, as this feature functions by emailing the password to the user. For the same reason, users will not be permitted to retrieve their password by contacting to the Help Desk.

If you have any additional information about data security please contact our Director of Technology and Data Processing at 800-406-1792